“It was a fab night”



Here are the Limerick award winners from the Dunlop National Rally Championship awards night, Hodson Bay Hotel, Athlone 17th Nov 2012
Class 12
2nd in class Denis Dineen (42 points)/Donal Dineen (42 points)
3rd in class Gerard Dineen (31 Points)/Anthony Madigan (31 points)
Class 16
3rd  in class John O’Connor

Class 8
1st in Class, Kevin Barrett &  Sean Mullally Limerick
Motorsport Safety Team National Group N Award
Colm Murphy (Athea) & Don Montgomery
Dunlop National Rally Historic Champions
Denis Collins & Tommy Commane (AbbeyFeale)

Also Kieran Ambrose got a Clerk of the Course Award for the successful running of the Circuit of Munster.  
“All I know was it was a fab night, and a very late morning getting to bed!!!!” Anonymous quote by club member who attended.