Round 6 Class battles sorted
The final round of the2013 kart championship took place on Thursday 12 December at the National kart Centre in Corbally. The class battles were settled in favour of Marc O’Rourke under 30, Ed Synan over 30 and Suzanne Nash ladies. Full results Over 30Under 30 LadiesRound 6 Times
Ger Cusack registrar for the championship said “I am asking you now if you have any ideas for next year to change it or if you would be interested in taking on the job of running the championship next year, please let us know.I’d like to thank everyone that came out to support the championship during the year, hopefully we can do something similar for next year.”
Contact details for Ger Cusack
Results are up to date after round 4.
Under 30 Over 30 Ladies
For anyone that took part for the first time in round 4, they haven’t received points as we only have 2 rounds left they would not have the 4 rounds done to qualify.
the club’s next outing is Thursday the 21st of November at 20:00.
For the 6th and final round I have booked it for Thursday the 12th of December, If people are ok with this date or if ye want to change it for a Saturday evening so we can go for food or a drink later please reply and let Ger Cusack know ASAP. As the national kart centre will by then be the biggest in door kart track in Europe I’m sure they will be busy on the run up to Christmas.
Speak now or forever hold your peace
Anyone wishing to take part contact Ger Cusack
A good evening was had by all 26 who competed. Breeda Ryan said after her driving “All I’ll say is another fab night with Limerick Motor Club at the National Kart Centre…..gonna be sore tomorrow though!!!!!”
Round 4 of the kart club championship will take place on Thursday the 17th of October at a later time of 20:30.
Names to club secetary before Wednesday 16th please
Next round will be in October, word from Colm at the National Kart Centre is that they have now extended the track and it will be up and running for the next round. They did a test on the track yesterday with the best lap time of 2mins 15secs, this is roughly a minute longer a lap. It should be fun and new to us all.
Time and date for the next round will be announced soon.
I hope you have enjoyed yourself so far.
Ian Ryan 1,07.040
Jamie O’Rourke 1,07.087
Eoghain Fitzgerald 1,07.770
Ciarin Fitzgerald 1,08.004
Sean Liston 1,08.534
Christopher O’Callaghan 1,08.749
Aido 1,09.214
Cathal Mansell 1,09.577
Steve O’Shea 1,09.672
Micheal McCoy 1,10.219
Stephen O’Brien 1,10.318
Niall Liston 1,12.960
Steven G 1,15.069
David Ryan 1,15.130
Laurance Leahy 1,15.994
Adam Bowne 1,22.827
Ed Synan 1,07.996
James O’Rourke 1,10.010
David Dee 1,10.804
Edward O’Callaghan 1,11.714
Shocks 1,12.982
Martin Mulcahy 1,13.327
Cat 3 Ladies
Cat 3 Ladies
Hazel O’Callaghan 1,12.896
Paula Blanchard 1,14.407
Aileen Shanahan 1,18.669
Noelle Liston 1,20.416
Round 4 club kart championship Thursday 17 October 2013.
Click here for latest points for the kart club championship after round 3. Please note that anyone wishing to do any of the remaining rounds that haven’t taking part in any of the rounds so far will be only doing it for fun as you need to have 4 rounds done and there are only 3 remaining.
Results for the club’s karting night at the National Karting Centre, Corbally Thursday 25 April 2013
Results after round 1 of the karting championship.
Cat 1 under 30.
Marc O’Rourke 1,06.468
Cat 2 over 30
Ger Cusack 1,07.076
Katrina Walsh Liston 1,12.302